At first my theme for 2014 was to be about ZEAL . . . re-energizing.
Bur as I read verses in the Bible on the subject I began to realize there was something that must come BEFORE zeal:
As with all issues which impede our service to our Lord, a lack of zeal is really a HEART issue.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10
Psalm 51 is David's prayer of repentance after he was confronted with his great sin by Nathan the prophet.
He prays for forgiveness and for a right spirit. And rightly so. His sin was great.
But having a "wrong spirit" can also be the result of someone sinning against us.
"Uncleanness" can dwell in the heart of the offended as well as the offender.
Having once swept our hearts clean of bitterness, we turn around
and there it is again;
uninvited and unwelcome.
So, exploring what the Bible says about cleansing the heart will be the subject which will then, hopefully, lead into the second part of David's prayer:
It is my goal to become more zealous, more productive and more useful for my Lord in His kingdom and I believe this is where it starts.
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