Although it is one of my favorites, this verse has always made me a bit uncomfortable.
Always rejoice?
How, Lord?
How can I possibly rejoice when I've just loss someone so precious to me, whom I loved so dearly?
Because the Creator of the universe loves ME enough to send His Son to die to redeem me,
I can rejoice
even while suffering the emptiness of loss.
When I'm wounded and bleeding from the knife of a trusted friend, how can I rejoice?
Because the Son of Man, my Saviour, loves me enough to say YES to the betrayal of His friends, to the abuse and cruelty of evil men; YES to death on the cross
I can rejoice
despite the bloody wounds of my own.
When my world has been turned upside-down by financial loss, illness, accident, neglect or abandonment . . . rejoice?
Because a price so exorbitant, which I could never pay, was paid for me. Because a debt I owe has been wiped away; because a vigilant Shepherd watches over me day and night
I can rejoice
even while my life here below rocks and churns and crashes and burns
I can rejoice.