Thursday, February 10, 2011

"And being in agony. . .

What do we often do when we're in agony? Thrash about, clawing, scratching, screaming, blaming, condemning. . . . . . . fleeing. Literally or figuratively, we often lash out or try to run away.

But during Jesus' agony He prayed more earnestly.  Could there be a more stark contrast?

The implication is that Jesus was already praying, and then began praying MORE earnestly.

I've come to realize that Jesus really didn't want to go to the cross, any more than I would. But He submitted to His Father's will. Even if His will was very painful, unpleasant, humiliating, frightening. In fact, it seems that it was the very unpleasantness of it all that spurred the more earnest prayer. It was when most of us would turn and run or fight back that our Saviour stayed.    And prayed.     More earnestly.

I see Jesus' agony being under control, like all aspects of His life--agony under control, frustration under control, power under control, fear under control------LIFE--------all under divine control.

My life can be under divine control--IF I'm willing to hand over the reins.

(Sounds like a TRUST thing to me!)


  1. Under His control is a powerful and beautiful thought. The more we fill our hearts with God's word and allow the word to work in us, the more we are under His control. Sometime ago I noticed that the Psalms have a strong message of trust. I highlighted all the passages that acknowledged trust in God. Then I highlighted thoughts that would build my trust. I like the way they are written in the first person. I read them often to guide my thoughts. One of my favorites and one that I impressed on my children is Psalm 37:3-6. Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness... when we feed on His faithfulness (read and meditation His great acts)we develop a deeper trust, knowing God keeps His promises and is always in control. Proverbs 3:3-9 and Phil. 4:5-9 are good companion passages.
    Thank you for your thoughts and starting the conversation. Love you, Anita

  2. What would we Do without the Psalms? I'm sure the pages in my Bible are more worn there than anywhere else.
    Thank you, Anita, for the blessing you are to me.
